OK, Just This Once
The good Cap'n Dyke tagged me a day or two back. Although I do make the occasional exception, I don't usually do tags, but this one is special. I have to take my orders from the Cap'n and as tags go this one's short and innocent enough.Herewith, five things you don't know about The Poobah, one of which is a fib:
- I once sat next to Clarence Clemmons on an airplane.
- I've been inside Ft. Knox.
- I once hosted my own FM-radio show about politics.
- Linda Ronstadt once blew me a kiss.
- Jimmy Buffett's band once attended a party at my house.
Tech Tags: tag mystery anti-tagging+league omnipotent+poobah
Truth Told by Omnipotent Poobah, Sunday, January 28, 2007