Blog News

This is just a shout out to all you very supportive peeps who've been checking in on a regular basis. If you haven't been, please do. If you haven't already done so and would like to be on our mailing list, drop the old Poobah a line. We promise we won't sell your information to a credit card company or a bank so that it can be lost or stolen. We also won't barrage you with e-mail. You can trust us. Expect a short note about once per week telling you about new content or features.

Oh, you can also feel free to pass our link around. At the risk of sounding like an Amway scheme, we'd like to build traffic. At latest count we were listed around the 701,272nd most popular blog. Not bad out of 11.6 million I guess.

New Photos in Visios
We've added a new gallery to Visios. Please stop by and take a virtual trip through the Hayward Japanese Gardens, a surprisingly beautiful little place. Our next photo gallery will probably be an all Canadian extravaganza, eh? Stay tuned


The old Poobah likes your comments and gets more of them that he could ever have hoped, but let everyone else feel the love too. If you click the "comments" link at the end of each entry you can let everyone else know what you think too and I'll still get an e-mail at Omnimedia Galactic HQ telling me what you think. (See the "Dear Abby" entry for an example left by some anonymous commenter.) Half the fun is engaging in the conversation. It's what we in the business call interactivity, oooooo...aaahhhhh.

Links Ahoy
We put those links over on the right side of the page far a reason. Try them out. Half the fun is seeing what else is happening in the world of blogdom. We change them every update, so if you aren't checking in frequently, you really are missing a lot. Also, feel free to try out the host of blog directories and ranking systems (the small logos also over there on the right) where we appear. You can vote for us, review us or dis us. It's up to you. The power of the Blog Gods is in your hands.

And that's it for this little pieces of self-promotion/self-agrandizement. See you around the blog.

Truth Told by Omnipotent Poobah, Thursday, June 23, 2005

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